Contemporary Art MICHELLE GORGA Abstract Paintings
Contemporary Art MICHELLE GORGA Abstract Paintings
Signed in as:
Michelle made a commitment to use her gifts and skills to inspire human potential around the globe, starting at age 19...
" We all have gifts and strengths and when we use them, we can make great change in the world!
All things truly are possible, when we stay in faith, focus on the vision and do the hard work!
Sometimes the focus is a life vision, and other times, it is simply the next step.
When it aligns with our overarching vision and goals ... that is where the magic happens.
I witnessed this and have lived this philosophy. We all can! Everything really is possible.
Focus Pocus!!! That's where you will find the magic!
Working with clients:
The process starts with understanding our clients' needs and vision.
From there, Michelle will create a customized plan and work closely
with clients to ensure their satisfaction every step of the way to bring your ideas to life.
On the other hand, most of Michelle's clients are totally comfortably and confident to give the general vision and colors, and then let the creativity flow thru the artist onto the canvas, wall or whatever the medium.
What's Next
"I trust by stepping forward with art and collaborating,
specifically to leverage
We can make the world a better place!
Care to join me?"
I have been preparing for this occasion my whole life.
2024 Paris Olympics stated, those with the greatest struggle and pain, yet with the most grit, who keep going ... doing the work, staying with the vision ... that is where the GOLD Metal goes....
Never, ever quit.
Everything is possible~
What's Next
"I trust by stepping forward with art and collaborating,
specifically to leverage
We can make the world a better place!
Care to join me?"
I have been preparing for this occasion my whole life.
The 2024 Paris Olympics stated, those with the greatest struggle and pain,
yet with the most grit, who keep going ...
doing the work, staying with the vision ... that is where the GOLD Metal goes....
Never, ever quit.
Everything is possible~
Don't Forget your Day Dreams
December 2024
Casa Arte, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
Angel of Peace
August | September | October | December 2024
Online Virtual Exhibit
The Olympics of Life
Gallery Exhibit Postponed due to Hurricanes
October 9-13 2023
Naples, FL USA
Private Gallery
New Body of Work 2023
Swimming Out
(to bring attention to those who lo
Don't Forget your Day Dreams
December 2024
Casa Arte, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
Angel of Peace
August | September | October | December 2024
Online Virtual Exhibit
The Olympics of Life
Gallery Exhibit Postponed due to Hurricanes
October 9-13 2023
Naples, FL USA
Private Gallery
New Body of Work 2023
Swimming Out
(to bring attention to those who lost
so much in Hurricane Ian)
April 2022
Tokyo, Japan
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lady in the Hat ~ Friends Invite
October 8, 2021
London, UK
Rolls Royce Bentley
Strive for Perfection
Lady in the Hat ~ Nostalgia
August 28 & 29 2021
London, UK
Black Swan Studio
London Hat Week
Lady in the Hat 2021 Collection
Naples, USA
Fine Art Galleries on 5th Avenue & Gulfshore Boulevard to the Design District
2000 - 2020
Quiet Meditations
Large Paintings
Nature Inspired
Seascapes to Seasons
Peaceful, Serene and
"said to cause breath."
Lady in the Hat Private Collection
Over 50 Paintings
A collection of mostly women, and (now men and boys in separate collection) each unique, with a voice, and intent to inspire good...
sometimes a twist of humor.
Have you been painted?
Flowers for everyday~
Fun, playful, a forever bouquet.
A bit of soft whimsey to bold vibrance.
Often released between International Womens Day and Mothers Day~. Watch for it.
Angel Collection~
created to celebrate those who walk the earth looking out for someone more vulnerable.
We have all had, been or could use
an angel to watch over~
In good taste,
Whimsical, fun and
sometimes wearing a hat ...
Masters with the greatest influence on
Michelle are Picasso and Monet.
Living Impressionist, Pierre Bitarre, French Impressionist inspired the light in nature and
Barbara Timberman, artist, retired professor, mentor and angel, “who taught her the value of sharing your gifts in an inclusive and generous fashion.”
Other Inspirations
Masters with the greatest influence on
Michelle are Picasso and Monet.
Living Impressionist, Pierre Bitarre, French Impressionist inspired the light in nature and
Barbara Timberman, artist, retired professor, mentor and angel, “who taught her the value of sharing your gifts in an inclusive and generous fashion.”
Other Inspirations
Architecture, Culture, Fashion, Interiors, Paper, People, Health, Wellness, Healing,
her GoldenDoodle, Lilly Hope
and Nature
created by the greatest master of all!
Born in a quaint American town northwest of Washington DC, Michelle emerged from a lineage of creatives.
Her family's artistic flair was apparent:
her Great Grandfather, a Master Stone Mason, crafted remarkable monuments and
her childhood home. (see photo below)
Meanwhile, her Grandfather, a resilient figure shaped by the Great Depression and World War II, juggled roles as an engineer, entrepreneur, and real estate investor, all to ensure his family's welfare.
Her Great Uncle's skills as a furniture maker and Great Aunt's diverse talents as a brilliant nurse, botanical greeting card designer, and culinary enthusiast further enriched her heritage.
Among these influences, her Grandmother stood out, a business school graduate, world traveler, generous philanthropist, and a consistent presence in Michelle's life—never failing to mark special occasions with heartfelt handwritten cards and cherished Sunday calls.
"It is my passion to acknowledge,
educate, inspire, and celebrate
human potential around the globe!
I was that girl who needed" just that!
I know the value.
It's why I do the work I do.
I know the impact of kind, positive and encouraging support and what it's like not to have it.
I knew I wanted to be part of bringing forth positive light
"It is my passion to acknowledge,
educate, inspire, and celebrate
human potential around the globe!
I was that girl who needed" just that!
I know the value.
It's why I do the work I do.
I know the impact of kind, positive and encouraging support and what it's like not to have it.
I knew I wanted to be part of bringing forth positive light in the world for others at age 19.
I know the value ~ It is "the" difference.
Starting at age 19, Ballroom Dance Instructor, Top Advanced Instructor and Sales for Midwestern Us and Theatrical Arts Competitor with Fred Astaire Dance, European HealthClubs, to Spin Instructor, and Classical Pilates Instructor, along beside a wildly successful career as Personnel Consultant & Career Coach ...
all came to an abrupt stop in 2017... but
always an an artist...
I started painting because it gave me a feeling of peace, joy, one with my maker and got me out of head (I like it there too) and it fuels me with a feeling of connectedness.
Painting, writing, photography, coaching, teaching, speaking and now design all move me to
inspire what is possible.
It is my life's purpose to inspire human potential around the globe.
We can apply our gifts
to different mediums over a life time ~
(if we are lucky enough to get that time)
Having applied this philosophy to
career, creative, fitness, personal and professional success, and still
My method and message
is tried and true...
"You CAN do it"
(set the vision)
and now, after a near
fatal accident a new message
"Miracles Happen
Expect them
again and again and again."
After not working for years, and
the fight of her life,
Michelle continues the one constant need to paint with a vision to inspire around the globe~
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Inspiring Human Potential Around the Globe
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